God has called us to be men and He’s given us everything we need to step into our divinely assigned role. For some, additional responsibilities like husband and father have been added but all of us have been called into a holy priesthood. We’ve all been called into ministry. We’ve all been given a mission field. Own it. Spiritual maturity and leadership is not a Pastor or Elder’s responsibility, it’s yours. God has equipped us with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit enabling us to defeat the power of sin and rise above every circumstance and that comes our way.

We are encouraged to be men of courage and conviction, called to stand against evil, speak truth, and fight for our families with the love of Christ. We are commissioned officers in the army of God to lead those in our sphere of influence. Conscientious Objectors need not apply.

A life of victory and purpose can be a reality for all of us, but it will take work, discipline and determination. If you’re serious about your calling as a man of God, then we’re ready to stand with you, side by side, pressing forward to fulfill our calling. If you’re curious or serious about your calling as a man of God, then click the link and join us.